NDAM AMIEH LIZZY holds a first degree in English Private Law obtained from the University of Yaounde 2 (Soa), Cameroon. She also holds a Post Graduate Diploma (DIPCO) in Guidance and Counseling, obtained in 2010 from the Higher Teachers’ Training College (ENS), University of Yaounde 1. Since 2011, Lizzy has been serving as a Guidance Counselor in the Faculty of Economics and Management (FSEG) of the University of Dschang, Cameroon. Besides her duties as Guidance Counselor in FSEG, she was appointed as the faculty cashier in 2014 and has since then served the faculty in both capacities. Lizzy’s over seven years’ experience as a Guidance Counselor to thousands of youths has instilled in her an ever-growing love for humanity. Lizzy’s desire to ensure the success of mankind in a serene and clean environment has increased her enthusiasm about the natural environment and its inherent protection